Friday, 5 August 2016

Glo Free Browsing 2016

AlaskaTech comes to you with the latest free browsing trick in town, It is Glo free browsing. I am sure even the owners of GLO will agree with me why people goes to every extent to get free browsing tricks and tweaks, internet data is simply too expensive in Ghana, I must confess that the speed of the internet in the country has increased tremendously in the last couple of years, but affordability still remains a big challenge to all of us.
As an organization that believes sharing is caring, we are bringing to you the latest GLO Ghana free browsing 2016 trick. It can be used on smartphones, Mifi, Usb modems etc.
Because some of these things are not legal, we are giving a sound warning to people who will later on want to sell the free goodies we are giving here, always remember that sharing is caring. We are sounding a big warning to people who have excuse me to say, loathe big mouths and who can't keep secrets, in fact my team is working on an algorithm that will forever disconnect loathe big mouths from ever having access to AlaskaTech.
GLO is definitely one of the fastest networks around, I live in the heart of Obuasi, and I have virtually used all the other networks before and GLO stands tall among most of them, it is also one of the most affordable network services we have in the country. They currently have some other cool internet offers you can subscribe to. AlaskaTech will be writing about their current internet bundles or internet data offers to you soon.
Now, back to business, and by that, let's go back to the GLO free browsing trick.
A registered GLO SIM card
This simple network settings :
Apn  :  glowap
Ip :
Port : 8799
Instructions :
Kindly insert your registered GLO SIM card into your mobile phone or any other internet enabled device.
Go to your network settings menu on google chrome or mozilla firefox and whenever you see Port, IP, Apn , you put in the figures above.
Make sure to change your APN name to glowap. Repeat the same process in your mobile phones

Note that, the settings you just changed remains on the device and not the SIM card, so whenever you put the Glo SIM card into any other device, you will have to repeat the process.

There is no limitations as to the page you can visit with the internet data or the files you can download. You visit facebook, twitter, instagram, whatsapp and all the fancy social media, news and entertainment outlets.
You can as well download any movies, music, photos, softwares, stream live football matches, stream youtube and dailymotion videos among other things.
It's speed can be extremely slow during the day, so I advice you to capitalize on the relatively free servers of the night to have a faster internet.
Remember you are doing it at your own risk, as at 3Pm, 1st March 2016, the success rate was 100%.

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